โฉ– powrelay.xyz

12 million hashes per byte
PoW WoW v0.1 is out! It is a distributed marketplace for event PoW. Anyone can be a client, offering to buy PoW for their event. And anyone can be a provider, selling hashrate. A reputation system based on past trade behavior punishes dishonest clients or providers. For example, a client who creates requests but doesn't pay gets a bad reputation. Similarly, a provider who delivers a blinded solution which, after payment and unblinding, turns out to have less bits of PoW than asked by the client, also gets a negative reputation. There are 3 clients available: WASM, CLI, and a Gossip fork. A CLI provider is available for those who want to try out mining. Check it out at https://lab.oak-node.net/powwow cc nostr:npub19mduaf5569jx9xz555jcx3v06mvktvtpu0zgk47n4lcpjsz43zzqhj6vzk nostr:npub1hxjnw53mhghumt590kgd3fmqme8jzwwflyxesmm50nnapmqdzu7swqagw3
Created at:
Tue Nov 28 20:22:04 UTC 2023
1 Text note
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p b9a537523bba2fcdae857d90d8a760de4f2139c9f90d986f747ce7d0ec0d173d
nonce 26705713 29